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10 Most Useful Investing Podcasts (+10 more honorable mentions)

Podcasting is now a dominate media format. Although it is still relatively new (see history), there are now over 1000 podcast shows available just in the “Investing” category in iTunes. With that many choices, a new podcast listener who wants great financial or investing content may not know where to begin.

I have not listened to every podcaster available in this genre, but I have listened to well over 100 of them. By trial and error, I found myself looking forward to the next episode of only a few that are available. Our time is valuable and we all have a purpose for searching out and consuming this kind of content. So, I am sharing with you what I have found to be the most useful, enjoyable, investing & finance related podcasters. It is my contention, that by consuming these shows and putting into practice the principles advocated, you will prosper. (Links to all shows are provided.)
  1. Radical Personal Finance – Joshua Sheats 
    • Show tag line: The show dedicated to serving you with the knowledge, skills, insight and consistent daily encouragement that you need to live a rich and meaningful life now, while working on your plan for financial freedom in 10 years or less.
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #14
    • New episode frequency: about 3 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 1 hour
    • What’s in it for you? Deep, thought-provoking financial education on a wide array of topics
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love this show because Joshua Sheats has more knowledge about financial planning than just about anybody in the world. He is very intelligent and knows this field inside and out. He consistently challenges the paradigms of modern financial planning and the role money has during our entire lives, not just planning for retirement. I’m probably not exaggerating when I say that I have received the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in financial literacy just from listening to his podcast. Radical Personal Finance stands head & shoulders above the crowd.

  2. The Dough Roller Money Podcast – Rob Berger
    • Show tag line: The Dough Roller is a blog about money. How to make it, give it, save it, and spend it in a way that moves us closer to financial freedom.
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #38
    • New episode frequency: about 3 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 30 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Great investing & money management advice
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love this podcast because it is probably the easiest to consume, as Rob’s financial experience and the way he speaks about it is easy to relate to and understand. Rob Berger is a retired lawyer who has decades of experience managing his own money and investments. He has a great website that dovetails nicely with his show. He shares wonderful financial products and tools both in his podcasts and at the website. Two recent series that I thoroughly enjoyed are “How to Build Wealth on any Income” and “What it Takes to Run an Online Business”.

  3. Money For the Rest of Us – J. David Stein  
    • Show tag line: A personal finance show on money, how it works, how to invest it and how to live without worrying about it.
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #9
    • New episode frequency: 1 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 30 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Entertaining, thought provoking lessons on economics & money
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love this show because David is a wonderful story-teller. He has a plethora of experience in the financial services industry and is a world traveler. He regularly shares stories from his personal experience and the many books he has read on the subject of investing and economics. Because his show is short and so enjoyable, I always look forward to Wednesday’s when he releases his show on iTunes.

  4. The Truth About Money with Ric Edelman (The Ric Edelman Show) – Ric Edelman 
    • Show tag line: Ric gives you comprehensive, educational advice that is both entertaining and useful.
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #41
    • New episode frequency: 1 per week
    • Typical episode length: 1 hour 15 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? A great radio show about financial planning
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love this show because Ric is a very professional and experienced financial planner. He has been doing his show on radio for decades and is very polished. Although I am a D.I.Y. investor and Ric is a strong advocate of using a financial planner, I get a lot out of his show. One of my favorite segments in his show is when he discusses exponential technology and its effect on our future financial lives. He is thought provoking and regularly helps us to think about the what-ifs and unknowns that are lurking in our future financial lives.

  5. The Scott Alan Turner Show (Financial Rock Star) – Scott Alan Turner 
    • Show tag line: Get out of debt faster. Save more money. Retire rich.
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #30
    • New episode frequency: about 4 per week
    • Typical episode length: 40 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Entertaining, humorous, fast paced financial nuggets of wisdom
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love Scott’s show because he is a wise-acre. He has started several businesses and was able to retire young. He shares with the audience many of his financial mistakes and simple solutions on how to get out of them or avoid them altogether. His show is probably the most fun to listen to. He’s unpolished but he knows what he is talking about both from experience and study. I love the way he treats his listeners with so much grace. Rock & Roll and personal finance, who’d a thunk it?

  6. The Dave Ramsey Show – Dave Ramsey  
    • Show tag line: Where debt is dumb, cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #3
    • New episode frequency: 5 per week
    • Typical episode length: 40 min X 3 episodes
    • What’s in it for you? The master plan for getting out of debt, staying out of debt and building wealth
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love this show because this  is where my positive financial foundation began. Let’s face it. If you’re up to your eyeballs in debt, it’s difficult to invest. I don’t necessarily follow Dave’s investment advice, but I did follow his advice on how to get out of debt and stay out of debt. It’s my opinion that everybody needs Dave’s advice to form a solid personal financial foundation. If you have debt of any sort, you need to start right here.

  7. Paul Merriman (Sound Investing) – Paul Merriman 
    • Show tag line: Sound investing for every stage of life
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #71
    • New episode frequency: 1 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 40 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Simple to understand & implement, academically proven investing education
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love listening to Paul teach about investing. He is a retired financial planner and a gifted teacher. He literally gives away his books, time and talents for free. Paul has probably been the most influential person in my investment philosophy and strategy. His investing advice is truly Sound.

  8. The Retirement Answer Man – Roger Whitney 
    • Show tag line: Are you ready to make the most of the only life you have? To make smart money choices focused on what you care about most? Here to help you balance living well today without sacrificing your tomorrow is the Retirement Answer Man, Roger Whitney
    • iTunes investing category ranking: #142
    • New episode frequency: 1 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 30 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Answers to current retirement questions
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love Roger’s show because it is well rounded advice on both personal finance and the enjoyment of life in general. He is a practicing financial advisor and he helps make some complex financial subjects much more understandable. Roger can certainly help you prepare for and/or enjoy your retirement years.

  9. The Larry Kudlow Show – Larry Kudlow 
    • Show tag line: From Wall Street to Main Street. We believe free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. The Larry Kudlow Show, where money meets politics.
    • iTunes news & politics category ranking: not ranked
    • New episode frequency: 1 per week
    • Typical episode length: 2 hours
    • What’s in it for you? Stay up to date on politics, economics and the stock market
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love Larry’s weekly radio show because he brings together the subjects of economics, stock markets and politics into one show. He has a wide variety of guests on his show each week. His show helps to make sense of the world and its effect on our finances. Larry’s show is not in the “Investing” category at iTunes, but I certainly enjoy it as part of my financial education.

  10. Chris Brown’s True Stewardship – Chris Brown 
    •  Show tag line: What if American households, today, got serious about stewardship? Not some old historic church word and not some fund-raising campaign, but true Biblical stewardship. Managing God’s blessings, God’s way, for God’s glory.
    • iTunes Christianity category ranking: #74
    • New episode frequency: about 5 per week
    • Typical episode length: about 25 minutes
    • What’s in it for you? Financial advice with a pastor’s touch
    • Why I look forward to the next episode: I love Chris’ show because he approaches the subject of personal finance with a pastor’s heart. He comes directly from the Dave Ramsey school of thought as his show is under the Ramsey Solutions umbrella . I have truly been blessed by Chris. I thoroughly enjoy when he takes time to pray with his callers when they have very challenging life situations.

iTunes rankings as of 3-6-2017

Honorable mentions:

Thank you, dear readers for reading this article. Please give each show a few tries as they cover a large swath of material. Also, share the podcasts or this article with your friends & family.

Respectfully yours, The Deep Value ETF Accumulator, aka Micah McDonald

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