4 Replies to “No Bottom In Energy Equities Yet, Still Accumulating (XLE)”

  1. Have you considered trimming any fat off of this or PXI? I am up on the pair but on some level I still feel they are a reasonable value if you look at 10 years of data.

    1. Hi Dan. I do have a GTC sell order in to trim some fat off of PXI. I don’t have at large enough profit in XLE to set a sell order yet. I hope this helps. Thanks, Micah

      1. Thanks for responding, I am in about the same place, like +1200/800 on PXI and XLE. I also own GUSH which I have been way up and down on over the last 12 months. I have owned it since March/April 2016.

        Like you I have made some bank on triple leveraged ETFs. I have lost money too (UWTI and UWT). I may hold out a little longer given the tension in the middle east so I can regret not trimming later. Good luck!

        I am really into finding more values to (in your words) overly diversify my holdings. You have to look hard for values!

        1. It sounds like you’re doing quite well. I agree, it’s been very difficult to find great deals on anything lately. But, the time will come when there’s a panic and there will be more deals than we have money. I keep about 5 to 10% liquid for such a time. My list contains 31 funds and I only own 18. I’m in no rush to own them all. I suspect I’ll own some of each one within the next few years. I’ll be accumulating for at least 13 more years, so there’s plenty of time to get them all. Thanks for commenting on the blog Dan. v/r Micah

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