4 Best U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs to Own Long-Term 1.5

  • Asset Category: U.S. Mid Cap Value

  • Correlation to US Markets: 0.91

  • Long-Term Performance: 12.98% CAGR

  • S&P 500 Performance (US Large Cap Blend): 10.72% CAGR

  • Back test timeframe: January 1972 – March 2022

  • Oldest ETF back tested: iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF (IJJ)

  • Correlation to US Markets: 0.91

  • Long-Term Performance: 10.60% CAGR

  • S&P 500 Performance: 7.44% CAGR

  • Back test timeframe: August 2000 – March 2022

  • Number of ETFs available in this asset class: 39

  • Number of ETFs in this asset class that are 10-years old or older: 13

U.S. Mid Cap Value vs U.S. Large Cap Blend: January 1972 – March 2022

IJJ vs SPY: August 2000 – March 2022

IJJ vs SPY: July 28, 2000 – April 22, 2022

The Deep Value ETF Accumulator rankings for the 13 oldest U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs:

The 4 top ranked U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs head-to-head comparisons: 

RWK vs VOE vs DON vs IWS: April 2008 – March 2022

RWK vs VOE vs DON vs IWS: February 23, 2008 – April 22, 2022

Stated objectives of 4 top ranked U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs: 

RWK – The Invesco S&P MidCap 400 Revenue ETF (Fund) is based on the S&P MidCap 400® Revenue-Weighted Index (Index). The Fund will invest at least 90% of its total assets in securities of mid-capitalization companies in the Index. The Index is constructed using a rules-based approach that re-weights securities of the S&P MidCap 400® Index according to the revenue earned by the companies, with a maximum 5% per company weighting. The Fund and Index are rebalanced quarterly.

VOE – Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF. Seeks to track the performance of the CRSP US Mid Cap Value Index, which measures the investment return of mid-capitalization value stocks. Provides a convenient way to match the performance of a diversified group of midsize value companies. Follows a passively managed, full-replication approach.

DON – WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Dividend Fund* seeks to track the investment results of dividend-paying mid-cap companies in the U.S. equity market. Gain exposure to core U.S. mid cap equity from a broad range of dividend paying companies. Use to complement or replace midcap value or dividend oriented active and passive strategies. Use to satisfy demand for growth potential and income focus.

IWS – The iShares Russell Mid-Cap Value ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of mid-capitalization U.S. equities that exhibit value characteristics. Exposure to mid-sized U.S. companies that are thought to be undervalued by the market relative to comparable companies. Targeted access to a specific category of mid-cap domestic stocks. Use to tilt your portfolio towards value stocks.

Thank you for taking time to read this article. If you found it useful, please share it with a friend.

Respectfully yours, Micah McDonald, aka the Deep Value ETF Accumulator

Previous Deep Value ETF Accumulator articles on U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs:

4 Best Long-Term Performance U.S. Mid Cap Value ETFs 1.4

Disclosure: We currently own shares of DON and we intend buy more shares in the future. I am not a professional investment advisor. Please perform your own due diligence or seek the advice of a Registered Investment Advisor before investing in any security mentioned in this article. This website contains affiliate links to M1 Finance and Google AdSense.

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