Asset Category:Â U.S. Mid Cap Value
Correlation to US Markets: 0.91
Long-Term Performance: 12.98% CAGR
S&P 500 Performance (US Large Cap Blend): 10.62% CAGR
Back test timeframe: January 1972 – March 2021
Oldest ETF back tested:Â iShares S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETF (IJJ)
Correlation to US Markets: 0.91
Long-Term Performance: 10.66% CAGR
S&P 500 Performance: 7.07% CAGR
Back test timeframe: August 2000 – March 2021
Number of ETFs available in this asset class: 30
Number of ETFs in this asset class that are 10-years old or older: 11
U.S. Mid Cap Value vs U.S. Large Cap Blend: January 1972 – March 2021
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