- This article melds Dividend Ideas, Retirement, and Portfolio Strategy; it’s an in-depth look at four emerging market ETFs which combine value, growth, quality, and yield.
- I made the case for emerging markets in my previous article; this article discusses several EM portfolios, two small caps (one China, one diversified) and two large cap high-div ETFs.
- Important selection factors include sector allocation levels and country rankings; I prefer Asia and the MSCI index which includes Korea and reduces countries I don’t prefer. Mixed feelings on Russia.
- All four ETFs have great value: PEs under 10 (US 25), price-to-book of 1 (US 4), average dividend over 4%, growth better than anything in the developed world (including US).
- Emerging markets are about 60% of global GDP; their weight in the global equity index is 12.5-13%; their average weight in US portfolios is 3%. It’s called home-country bias. Does it make any sense?
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