- Equity REITs are normally valued by three fundamentals.
- I generally focus on individual companies within the REIT sector.
- Within each REIT subsector, there are great stocks on sale.
- REITs with strong balance sheets are less exposed to rising interest rates.
Continue reading the full article at Seeking Alpha right here: REITs Are A Slam Dunk Deal
Read why the Deep Value ETF Accumulator invests in REZ right here: Discovering Value in the Top 3 REIT ETF’s, pub-3144136693668419, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
I agree with the article. REIT’s are one of the few spots (other than consumer staples) that are truly undervalued.
True. We’re fully loaded for the ride up. 20% of our portfolio in REITs (REZ). Will increase our position if this sector takes another dip before going up. Time will tell. Thanks for the comment Mr. Fire by 2023. Micah