Sorry, but Your ESG Funds Probably Suck by Cullen Roche

“I’ve previously discussed ESG investing and how investing in what you view as subjective morality is actually nothing more than old school stock picking. I get it – we want to do what’s right and make money. That’s all well and good, but as it pertains to secondary markets and stock picking this is mostly a fools errand and the investment management industry is taking advantage of this timely topic to sell what is nothing more than high fee active management sold as a do-gooder strategy that has its cake and eats it too. No. Just no.”

Read the full article at Pragmatic Capitalism right here:

My View On: ESG Investing – by Cullen Roche

“I write this post with some hesitancy because I suspect that it is going to annoy lots of people. This annoys me because the goal of this post is to emphasize the importance of being objective and emotionally agnostic when we’re investing. I’ll put on my flame retardant suit and see how well I can communicate this view without enraging people. Wish me luck.

ESG investing (environmental, social and corporate governance) is a hot new space in the investment product landscape. The basic goal of ESG investing is to construct index funds and portfolios that are more morally acceptable. So, for instance, you might think that Exxon Mobil (XOM) is hurting the environment so you construct a portfolio that doesn’t own that stock. Makes sense. Or does it? Let’s explore.”

Read on at Pragmatic Capitalism right here: