The challenge lies in narrowing down your options. Let’s look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of each—and how they may fit your needs.
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Did E*Trade Just Start a Mutual Fund Trading Fee War?
Did E*Trade Just Start a Mutual Fund Trading Fee War? | BIG BANG! Investors
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Mutual fund conversions to ETFs set to gather momentum, experts say
Latest attempt by Dimensional could be start of ‘significant trend’ if move proves to be successful…
“If you are worried about cannibalisation, you can eat your young or someone else will. It’s your choice. ETFs are bleeding assets out of the mutual fund industry”
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ETF vs Mutual Fund: Which is the Right Choice? Complete Guide
What’s the difference between an ETF and a mutual fund? Both of these assets are readily available, so which one should you choose?
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Mutual Funds Vs. ETFs In Retirement |
ETFs face significant barriers to entry in the retirement space.
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How Many STAR Fund Managers Are There?
Swedroe: The Only Reliable Prediction
Another great article from Mr. Swedroe right here at
Swedroe: The Only Reliable Prediction

New favorite Swedroe quote: “There’s one forecast I know I can make with the same certainty I have about the sun rising in the east. I know—for certain—that, at the end of each year, active managers will come up with an excuse for their failure to outperform index funds.”