I personally want to thank Ian Shadrack for his creation of a new Google Sheets spreadsheet for the daily DVETF charts. He has resolved many problems I was having with demonstrating great values with 3 year pricing vs 1 year pricing on funds and my desire to display % above/below 200 dma. Thank you Ian Shadrack. You have my deepest gratitude. Here is a preview of what the new daily chart will look like:
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Would you mind elaborating on the virtues of 3 year pricing vs 1 year pricing and how you factor in the 200 dma when deciding what to purchase? I haven’t seen you discuss these unless I missed it somewhere. I know there is a mention about the 200 dma somewhere in the archives but just to the effect that you aren’t using it anymore.
Also, would the Google Sheet be available or shared somewhere to take a look at? I think it would be very helpful.
I very much appreciate the resource you have here, thanks!
Hi Rodney
I have wanted to display the 3 year (or even longer) pricing for a long time, but I did not have the skills to do so. The benefit to looking back further is that we can see that even when an ETF is reaching it’s 1 year high price, it may still be significantly discounted when looking back 3 years. I have also wanted to display the % above/below the 200 DMA but lost that capability when I switched from using Yahoo Finance to Morningstar Portfolio Manager. I like the 200 DMA because this number sometimes represents significant inflection points. Many traders use the 200, 150, or 100 DMA as a signal to get out of their investments. I am no market timer, so I do not base any of my decisions based on moving averages, but I do like to observe the 200 DMA, because to me it represents significant selling pressure which also means to me a potential bargain in an ETF that I want to own long-term. Ian has been gracious enough to let us use the Google sheet that he built. Just go to this link, click ‘file’ then ‘make a copy’.
Once you’ve made a copy you can manipulate as you wish. Ian also made a tutorial for this on YouTube right here:
Thank you for the questions.
Please let me know if you have any more questions or suggestions.
Thank you
Thanks very much!